Dare 2 Race Briefing Details!

14 03 2009

For those participants who couldn’t make it for Saturday’s race briefing, please download the presentation. The presentation contains very important information regarding the race, so do take a look!


D.A.R.E 2 Race Updates!

27 02 2009

We are pleased to inform you that we have extended our deadline for the submission of registration form for our adventure race D.A.R.E 2! The deadline has been extended to 6th March 2009. Additionally, if you are signing up for the race, you need not snail mail your registration forms and payment to us anymore! You can simply fill up your form using your computer and send it to us via email! Payment for the race can then be made on the race briefing day itself! Also, the 1-star kayaking certification is no longer required for the kayaking segment of the race!

We hope to see you soon!

Discovering Adventure, Realising Extremes

16 02 2009

  ***Deadline for Open Registration has been extended to 6th March 2009.***
